Presto Salt Spray Chambers Come With Innovative Features Adding Value To Customers


Presto Salt Spray Chambers Come With Innovative Features Adding Value To Customers

When the manufacturing world evolves with innovation, especially in the world of salt spray chamber manufacturers, Presto's Testing Instruments Salt Spray Chambers effectively emerge as winners. The machines are not only designed to test the corrosion resistance of coating systems against salt-laden environments but also innovative features are added to make the best buy product.

Innovation Enhances Effectiveness

Innovative features that lace the salt spray chambers can be as vital as network connectivity. Take Ethernet Connectivity for instance, which provides a connection of the chamber to connect with other devices using LAN and the internet. This smart feature helps connect any computer or other electronic device to its network, provided the device has an Ethernet adapter or network card. How we can get a salt spray test chamber at the best price .

Another innovative feature is the remote monitoring that is enabled in salt spray testers by Presto machines. The feature of a built-in VNC server is the main factor that enables remote monitoring and operating of the HMI functions via the VNC client application. The compatibility can be Windows, iOS, or Android, as per the client end usability.

The lock function is a key feature that can be used to block remote operations during onsite operations. This innovation is excellent when it comes to avoiding unsynchronized commands. A slip in commands can directly affect the testability, this is why this feature is considered an important innovation. When the lock function is in the ON mode, the VNC server allows remote monitoring but not remote operation.

The added value to salt spray chambers designed at Presto Testing Machines establish them as salt spray chamber manufacturers with a difference as the company is known to have the following characteristics.

•    Highly Precise Results

•    High-Quality Testing

•    Perfection via Innovation

Web Monitoring is an innovation to allow direct monitoring of registered data. The data that is notified via machine while the testing is in the process can be viewed via a web page. This kind of facility makes it easy to understand the data in one snapshot. What is equally encouraging is that this facility comes with no extra cost as it requires no additional software installation.

Last but not least is an innovation that provides language-related options to customers. This feature gives the option to interchange HMI fonts between Hindi and English languages for the convenience of Operator's convenience to operate and access the database using the Hindi Language.  salt spray chamber manufacturers in india .


Presto salt-spray testers encourage users to have a better usability experience in order to avail the use of smart features towards testing. The process of product testing is vital yet can be carried out with comfort.


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