How to clean the barrel and orifice of Presto MFI tester?


The Presto melt flow index tester or MFI tester is considered being one of the widely used lab testing instruments that are used to determine the melt flow properties of polymers when the standard weight will be applied to them. This cutting-edge lab testing equipment will perfectly measure the flow properties of plastics or granules accurately and efficiently. Testing the melt flow rate of polymers is considered being one of the essential properties to provide accurate data on the mass flow rate of polymers per minute. When plastics and polymer products manufacturers will use this lab testing instrumentthen it will be easy for them to determine the product quality.

While conducting the melt flow index test on the materials with the help of the Presto MFI testerthen it is important to clean the barrel and orifice every time. This will help you to get accurate testing results.

Therefore, in this blog, we are going to provide you with the information about how you can easily clean the barrel and orifice present in the melt flow index tester. But before that, we will provide you with brief information about the MFI tester and its uses.

Introduction to Melt Flow Index Tester

Manufacturers, using various tests, analyzed the quality of plastic materials. These tests help to determine the suitability of the material for the intended purpose. The most commonly used tests include melt flow rate, density, and hardness. Flow Index rate is a measure of the ease with which the material can be melted and molded. It is an important factor in determining the suitability of the material for injection molding and other processes.

Thus, to test the melt flow index rate of materials like polymers, plastics, etc. you will be able to determine the suitability of materials for their intended purpose.

By testing the melt flow index of materials, you will be able to determine the strength and resistance of the flow of materials with ease.

We have designed this MFI tester in such a way that it can calculate the melt flow rate of polymers and plastics with ease. It will measure the repeatability and accuracy of materials and ensure simple operation and reliable test results. Below, we have listed the features and technical specifications of this testing instrument.

Features of Presto melt flow index tester

The Presto MFI tester is highly useful in determining the sustainability of plastics with ease. This lab testing equipment will highly be useful in testing the melt flow properties of polymers with ease.

Below we have listed the features of Presto melt flow rate tester:

  • The MFI tester is available with the best features that can calculate MFR with accuracy.
  • It exactly maintains the temperature between ambient to 400°C with absolute accuracy.
  • It has a proportional integral derivative (PID) temperature controller, which is totally based on a microprocessor.
  • It ensures repeatability and accuracy as we incorporated it with the Digital pre-set table timer.
  • It has a feature of automatic cutting of melted granules that ensures straightforward operation and reliable results.
  • It has an anti-rust finish with a very elegant design.
  • Standards:
  • IS 2530-1963 (R2003): Methods of test for polyethylene moulding Materials & polyethylene
  • IS 2267-1972: The standard method to test polystyrene moulding materials.

With these features, it will be easy for you to conduct an MFI test using this lab testing equipment. You can even determine the physical characteristics of materials with the Presto MFI tester.

Now, let us focus on the steps to clean the barrel and orifice with the Presto melt flow index tester.

Steps to clean barrel and orifice with Presto MFI tester

After it has completed the test for one material and there is another material to be tested, it is essential to clean the barrel and the orifice properly for accurate test results. If you wish to clean the barrel and orifice with Presto MFI tester, then you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  • For cleaning of barrel and orifice, increase the temperature greater than the melting point of the material on which the test was conducted. We should increase the temperature at least 100 C to 150 C. This will help in loosening the material that is stuck on the barrel walls or the die orifice.
  • After increasing the temperature, wait for three to five minutes.
  • Now use the flat and threaded cleaning tools provided with the machine to clean the barrel and cavity of the heating cylinder.
  • After that, the orifice cleaning tool should be used to clean the die or orifice from the bottom of the barrel.
  • Once the cleaning is done, a test can be commenced for another material.

To get a FREE sample testing session for this lab testing equipment, give us a call at +91-9210903903 or email us at to know about melt flow index tester price. Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding all your queries.


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